Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What should one do if arrested?

As a general rule, one should be polite and cooperative with the arresting officer. However, being polite and cooperative does not imply making a statement to the officer. One can provide the officer with identifying information (e.g. one's name and address) without making a statement to the officer that is incriminating. An individual should always request an attorney and should not even consider making a statement to the police without talking to an attorney.

The attorneys at Montagna & Montagna, P.C. are seasoned and trial tough. Thus, an individual arrested should call the firm at 757-625-3500. Also, the attorneys offer a wealth of information at their web site,

An individual also should never voluntarily allow an officer to search their car or house without a warrant. Finally, an individual should never volunteer to take a polygraph or lie detector test.

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