According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration:
1. Does the type of alcohol you drink affect your BAC (blood alcohol concentration)?
No. a typical drink equals about half an ounce of alcohol (one shot of distilled spirits, one 5
ounce glass of wine, one 12 ounce beer)
2. What affects your BAC?
The number of drinks, how fast you drink, your gender, your weight, and food in your
3. How will you know when you are impaired?
.02%: some loss of judgment, relaxation, slight body warmth, altered mood
.05%: exaggerated behavior, may have loss of small muscle control, impaired
judgment, usually good feeling, lowered alertness, release of inhibition
.08%: muscle coordination becomes poor, harder to detect danger, judgment, self
control, reasoning, and memory are impaired
.10%: clear deterioration of reaction time and control, vomiting may occur, major
loss of balance
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